Blend Amsterdam

Blend Community


Blend Amsterdam

Blend Amsterdam is a social enterprise (ANBI foundation), largely run by volunteers. We provide meetings with social impact for companies and organisations and run a coffee-and-soup café at a historic A-location in the center of Amsterdam. Our participants are young adults with a big backpack, students with burn-out complaints and youngsters who want to (re)-integrate into Dutch society.

By "being" and "doing" in a welcoming and attentive environment, Blend Amsterdam contributes to stress reduction and greater resilience - in part by strengthening the connection between the head and body. Through offering participants an informal network and free workshops like yoga, meditation, personal leadership and cooking.


Being - Doing

The work gives participants renewed self-confidence, work experience and makes social real estate accessible to a wider audience. The informal network and safety net that Blend Amsterdam is, and the diverse team composition, create a uniquely cordial and welcoming atmosphere.

Drop by or send an email to if you are curious. You are very welcome.