What we do
Blend Amsterdam is committed to training and empowering young adults who grow up with fewer opportunities or are in a vulnerable position. Our students have often had to deal with many challenges in their early childhood and have grown up in a disadvantaged environment. They have to work harder for the same opportunities and their safety net is smaller.
Therefore we have created a comprehensive coaching and training programme that helps young adults get the resilience they need, and the skills to be able to be self sustained.

“I have myself experienced how inspiring people can change your path. Through my own turbulent adolescent years I have met people that helped me reshape my way through life. I am grateful for having met them and for the chances I got.
The first thought of actually starting Blend came in 2012. As a project manager I had work experience in the advertising world and at a foundation for young adults in vulnerable situations. I combined the experience from both worlds into building a social enterprise that would empower young adults as I have been supported and inspired. Our team aims to fulfill this role for young adults who face serious challenges in life.
Through our ongoing curriculum we aim to inspire and empower our students through personal leadership classes and hospitality classes. Eventually they can put their newly acquired skills and positive energy to the test by hosting meetings, lunches and dinners that we organize for all kinds of businesses, organizations and the city of Amsterdam.
Amber Heinsdijk Founder and CEO, Blend Amsterdam